
Tuesday: Election Day Madness

Happy Tuesday everyone. It's election day for those of us in the States, so go vote if you can. Outside of that the labor talks have resumed. Not a lot going on in the jersey world outside of our HJC votes...

COTW Oct29-Nov4 vote (ends Thursday @ 11:59pm EST)
COTY-October vote (ends Friday @ 11:59pm EST)
N.H.L. COMP Top 5 vote (ends Friday @ 11:59pm EST)
NHL Expansion naming (ends Saturday @ 9:00pm EST)

With that out of the way, here are the concepts

New Jersey Devils Concept (Steven W.)
 The logo looks funny with the think white outline of the red NJD. The arm striping seems very throwback. I'm indifferent with the home and away. But the alternate is intriguing. It's not a team color though so it seems like a practice jersey. Execution note, the inside of the back of the collar would probably be the color of the arm stripe, red for the white and grey jerseys, and black for the red jersey. 6/10

Tampa Bay Lightning (Avi S.)
 Avi gives the Lightning some silver trim to their current jerseys and replaces the current logo with a recolored version of their old logo. I don't mind the silver trim but I prefer the current logo over their old one. That's just me though. I like the bolt on the side of the pants as well. I feel the alternate is a lateral move compared to their current. Execution note, the striping on the socks is way too low. 7/10

Dallas Stars Concept (Patrick W.)
I'm a big fan of what Patrick has done with the arm striping but what's with the W on the hem? I'm assuming it's supposed to be some sort of star but all I see is a W or the old Avalanche jerseys. Also, I'm not a fan of the Texas silhouette with the C. I'd rather see a Texas logo on the shoulders. The names could be a little bigger and the Reebok logo on the top of the back should be replaced with just "Reebok" 7/10

Carolina Hurricanes Concept (Tyler G.)
I like to see the flag pattern utilized like this but I really miss the grey. So many teams use the "Red White Black" scheme, and it was unique to Carolina that they had grey in their scheme. The numbers on the back could be a little smaller and the name could be a tad bigger, but I still can't get over the lack of grey. 7/10

Atlanta Thrashers Concept (Alan H.)
Alan brings the Thrashers back from the dead for this concept. I don't know about you guys but I miss the Thrashers...Well...their logo at least. Alan describes the jerseys on the image itself so I'll leave you to that. I like that he brought back the visual style from the teams original jerseys. However, I never agreed with the logos being switched around. The logo on the white jersey should be on both jerseys. As for the arrows there should be less of them and more spaced out. Other than that, this is an improvement over what the club left us with. 7/10

Dallas Stars Concept (Avi S.)
 Avi gives the Stars a modern makeover and it's nice to see the return of green as a primary color for the Stars. The home and away remind me of Thallos' Stars set he entered into the Stars competition a few months ago. I don't know if that's intentional or not but it's a nice look either way. As for the alternate, the striping is reminiscent of the North Stars and I like the "Big D"...because you know...Dallas...Big D... Ha...   8/10

Cleveland Browns Hockey Jersey (Brian B.)
 This is quite clever. For those who don't know, one of the Browns' logos is an orange football helmet. Obviously the football helmet would be dumb on a hockey jersey. But Brian has the right idea. The striping is true to the Browns' actual jerseys as well. I would, however, like to see the shoulder patch on both shoulders. 8/10

Sherbrooke Phoenix Concept (Stephane S.)
 I think this would make a nice alternate for Sherbrooke. They currently don't have one unless you count that pink mess they were wearing for breast cancer awareness. The team has a nice color scheme and it transfers nice to this classy jersey template. I'm ok with the wordmark but I'd still prefer their shield logo. 8/10

Tampa bay Lightning Concept (Tristan P.)
I thought this concept looked familiar and it's because this is an update on an old concept. the original actually appeared on my second HJC post back in August. I think this update is sort of a lateral movement, but if I had to choose, I'd choose this set. The striping matches the team identity well even though it kind of looks like waves. I really like the pants stripe. I'm a little indifferent on the name and number font, and the Reebok logo on the back should be replaced with "Reebok". 8/10

Tuesday: Election Day Madness Reviewed by DBro Alexander on November 06, 2012 Rating: 5


winnipegjets96 said...

Brian B. for COTW

Justin said...

Stephane for COTW! I love that whole design and its to see concepts from him again.

Unknown said...

YES! fantastic to see a concept from Stéphane again! I'll second it for COTW.

Alan John Herbert said...

Stephane got my COTW nom!

Ryan said...

I think Brian's concept is pretty clever.

Ryan said...

On Avi's Bolts concept, I don't think the stripes on the socks are too low. Most of the sock goes up over the knee and halfway up the thigh. I think the stripe would be halfway on the shin, as it should be.

Anonymous said...

I'll take credit for Avi's Stars 3rd jersey concept.


Ryan said...

Hardly. The North Stars designed that jersey about 30 years ago and placing a star on a big D is far from original. Dozens of concepts have done their own version of that.

Anonymous said...

He literally took my "D" - not that I was the first person to think of it.

DBro Alexander said...

Avi may have taken the "D" itself, but it lacks the stars that made it look like a constellation and added a big star to the bottom.... The D itself looks like it is just a capital D in an italicized block font

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