
Saturday: Live from Disney World

Hey everyone!

I'm coming to you from the global juggernaut known as Walt Disney World!

Well that's not the ideal picture to frame WDW, but it is my paradise here. I'll be back in Toronto on Monday afternoon. I hope to get the COTW results up, as well as the competition voting started and at some point I think we have to get to a COTY-April vote. I want to get that all started on Monday night, but sometimes it takes a bit for life to get back to normal after vacation.

I also want to send out a HJC Survey soon to address some possible fundamental changes to the blog.

This may be today's only post, or one of the members of the writing team may have generously donated their time and some competition entries will be posted at 5:30pm Eastern.

So long,

Saturday: Live from Disney World Reviewed by Ryan on May 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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