Tuesday: Into the Thick of it.
Hockey fans out there know the playoffs are going on and we are almost to the great big series. Every year I always have a small list of teams that I wouldn't want to win the cup. Usually it's based off of how successful they are in the past, the players on the team, or maybe the logo or jersey the team wears. This year there is one team left in which I would not like the cup to go to; Anaheim Ducks.
If you were to ask me right now "Dylan, why?" my honest answer would be "I have no idea, I just hate the Ducks." Maybe it was after they changed their name but for some reason I've never been a fan of the Ducks. The team I want to win is Chicago but with Tampa Bay being a close second. Tampa is so exciting to watch in my opinion and well I picked them to make the Stanley Cup at the beginning of the season. I would brag more about my pre-season pick but I had Colorado going in the West, so that didn't work out.
In non-playoff news Mike Babcock watch continues. Continuing on for one more day presumably. My Buffalo Sabres seem to be in a close running for him but if I could put my money on it I say he chooses to stick with Detroit. I know I'm biased but long term wise I think Buffalo is the place to coach to win but he might just feel comfortable in Detroit, and they still will have a pretty good team for years to come. Hopefully our owner can put out the big bucks and somehow land another big name coach this summer for his other team.
***EDIT RIGHT BEFORE THE POST GOES UP: Looks like Sabres are in contract talks as we speak with Babcock. Woooo! Right? Right? Okay....
Now I'm going to show you guys some contest entries for today. All concepts shown were sent in by 4:20 ET. Anything later and they will be shown on tomorrow's post!
Boston Bruins vs. Montreal Canadiens Concept - David P.
If you were to ask me right now "Dylan, why?" my honest answer would be "I have no idea, I just hate the Ducks." Maybe it was after they changed their name but for some reason I've never been a fan of the Ducks. The team I want to win is Chicago but with Tampa Bay being a close second. Tampa is so exciting to watch in my opinion and well I picked them to make the Stanley Cup at the beginning of the season. I would brag more about my pre-season pick but I had Colorado going in the West, so that didn't work out.
In non-playoff news Mike Babcock watch continues. Continuing on for one more day presumably. My Buffalo Sabres seem to be in a close running for him but if I could put my money on it I say he chooses to stick with Detroit. I know I'm biased but long term wise I think Buffalo is the place to coach to win but he might just feel comfortable in Detroit, and they still will have a pretty good team for years to come. Hopefully our owner can put out the big bucks and somehow land another big name coach this summer for his other team.
***EDIT RIGHT BEFORE THE POST GOES UP: Looks like Sabres are in contract talks as we speak with Babcock. Woooo! Right? Right? Okay....
Now I'm going to show you guys some contest entries for today. All concepts shown were sent in by 4:20 ET. Anything later and they will be shown on tomorrow's post!
Vaughn R.
David K.
COTY-April vote (ends Friday @ 11:59pm Eastern)
COTW May 10-16 vote (ends Friday @ 11:59pm Eastern)
IceCaps entries (due Friday @ 11:59pm Eastern)
There are your voting reminders for this week. First time in a long time I will be sending in a concept for a competition. Finally that school is over. Onto the concepts!
Calgary Flames Concept - Brandon Cockeram
Calgary Flames were eliminated from the playoffs not too long ago but that didn't take away from a great season, and many more to come. Now, let's say they were to sport this jersey next year what would you think? I think the alternates alternate logo is a pretty nice roundel. However, just in my taste, I don't think it looks well on a black jersey. Overall the execution on this concept is done well and seems as though everything was thought out nicely but I can't say I'm a big fan of it. I think the white stripes are a little too thick and it distracts from the rest of the striping. Almost has a vibrating feel to it and I can't concentrate on an emphasis of the jersey. I would say make the white stripe thinner, or hey, even remove it. That being said I think the numbers would look better being gold and a bold red outline to make those stand out better too. Nice idea though!
Rating: 7.2/10
I'm assuming this is a set for the upcoming Winter Classic game? My first initial thoughts are "wow, this is very throwback. Right off the bat I can say that both jerseys look empty. For the Canadiens maybe I could let that slide because they simply have that look to them on their whites. For Boston I would say maybe a shoulder patch, or something to give it more character. This would be a good looking game but as a conceptual piece it's a tad boring. Realistic nonetheless though.
Rating: 7.8/10
Arizona Coyotes - Taylor R.
This is a striking concept right away. This is a concept that once you see it it sticks in your head. My one gripe off the bat is the logo, while I do think it's a nice idea I don't think you need the crescent moon behind the Coyote, I think that logo works well on it's own. Secondly, I think you're getting too cramped by sticking the shoulder logos. With this design you don't need them. Sometimes I do say using the same funky striping over and over can be too much but I like it here on the yokes. I even am a big fan of that font choice. I think everything goes well together here. Just some small changes and this perfect in my opinion.
Rating: 9.2/10
Owen Sound Attack Concept - Tom V.
Nice to see Tom back in the mix. Sharing with us a very very crazy desing. this is something you see on a roller hockey team or something. Maybe not that crazy but it's very out there. I'm assuming this would be a third jersey? I would comment to use more red since it's in the logos but if it's a third jersey it may be off the hook. The color scheme is very eye pleasing and I like how you work the striping into everything and keeping it consistent without making it boring. Overall this is an interesting concept. I would be very curious to see how the reaction is if it was actually created. I get that feeling sometimes we see a wacky design and we all think it's cool but if the design was made into a real jersey people then say it's terrible and they bash it. Interesting design overall though. I like it.
Rating: 8.5/10
Alberni Valley Bulldogs Concept - Vaughn R.
I did a quick search since I have no knowledge of this team. Looks like they are sporting Calgary Flames recolored jerseys. Vaughn takes a stab at them to give them their own design. Right away there are some things that are pet peeves with jersey concepts. The striping for me is too far apart. When you have thinner stripes like that I think it's better if you bring them together or make them thicker. When you have a big space like that it starts to look like this Knockoff Sabres Jersey. I mean to me when that happens it looks almost 'cheap' I guess. I'm going to be knocking on the color scheme here too because that brown/bronze color is nice pleasing to me. It honestly looks like a poop color jersey. That and the meshing with the orange color does not help make the logo or striping stand out on the away jersey. I would say leave out the brown on the jersey. I know it's in the logo but this should be treated like the Blackhawks logo. Some colors need to stay out. I would say to brighten up the orange and just leave the orange and black color scheme. That could look really sharp. Lastly, though I am a fan of the front numbers the Sabres have on their upper chest I don't like a front number near the striping. I think front numbers higher up could serve a purpose to refs but underneath it would be cluttered near the stick and gloves and it would just become pointless. That's an argument to be had another day though.
Rating: 5.9/10 Simply changing out that brown color is a huge fix.
Alberni Valley Bulldogs Alternate
Vaughn also stabs at their alternate. Again, the brown, a no go. Again, I scream to make the orange more prominent and brighter! The alternate logo also isn't too exciting. I mean, it's just PA in block letters. I think the chest stripe needs to be raised so that it's centered with the logo.
Man, I keep wanting to just take a paint bucket tool to fill in the brown. I'm sorry, it's just an unpleasant color to me.
Rating: 6/10
This Tuesday post is over. Before I forget to nominate the concept (not too hard to figure out which one) I'd like to say thanks for stopping by on another day. If you're like me and stop by the site to check the post every day, you are amazing. props to you.
Also I nominate Taylor's Arizona Concept! Goodbye!
Tuesday: Into the Thick of it.
Reviewed by Unknown
May 19, 2015

Tom V for Cotw
Seconding Tom V. for COTW. Great to have you back!
As a flames fan, it's about time somebody nailed a jersey for them. Brandons Calgary alt for COTW
It's actually bright red, not orange
It is actually red, not orange
My computer screen must be a little off then. I see a dull orange. Like an old pumpkin.
Man, when I was making those Flames jerseys I went back and forth between no white and white in the striping ... I guess no white would've been the better choice!
I actually like the moon behind the coyote. I feel like it fills up the empty space that the plain coyote leaves behind.
@Brandon Hey, someone said it was a perfect jersey for the flames. When making a concept just stick to what you like.
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