Friday: We Want You!

Hello folks!

Do you want to write for HJC?  If so you're in luck, because a spot on our team has opened up and it could be yours!  If you're interested head over to the HJC WRITER page, then download the concepts and write a mock post.  It's that easy!

It's also a lot of fun writing for HJC, at least it is for me.  I really enjoy reviewing the different concepts each week, giving some tips and advice to newer concept artists, and getting to appreciate the work of some very talented people.

Writer applications are due on Sunday at 6pm Eastern time.  Good luck to those who apply!


Voting is simple this upcoming week with only the standard COTW vote.  The poll should be up later tonight, unless Ryan falls asleep instead again (like last week).

COTW April 14-20 vote (ends next Friday @ noon Eastern)


University of Ontario Institute of Technology, by Anthony C:
Our post begins with Anthony's UOIT concept which is just a recolour of Team USA's white World Cup of Hockey jersey, and almost identical to his NHL All-Star concept from two weeks ago.  I don't like concepts that recolour existing jerseys.  I want to see new designs, not existing jerseys with the colours and logos swapped out.
Rating: 5/10

Waterloo Black Hawks, by Anthony C:
Anthony's second concept is better but not by much, it's mostly still just recolouring existing jerseys.  The red jersey is a recolouring of the Erie Otters third jersey from SportsLogos.Net, even the numbers were left unchanged.  For the white jersey a gap was added to the stripes, so I guess that's something.  The third jersey is the least bad of the three, the arms and hems are taken from the Oshawa General's template, but the yoke design is new.  Other issues include the lack of player's names, and the different shade of black used for the shoulder logos.
Rating: 6/10

Arizona State University, by TC Moore:
We also have an Arizona State University concept today, it comes from TC.  I like the striping pattern that's used, it's a simple design but it looks good on all three jerseys.  I especially like that the alternate jersey still matches, but by switching up the logo and fonts it has a completely different look to it.  One thing I'm not a fan of is the yellow name and numbers on the white jersey, I get that they match the logo but I don't think they look good (plus the name is hard to read).  All the back numbers seem a bit oversized as well.  Also the presentation is a bit busy, I recommend not showing the same item more than once (the primary pants, gloves, yellow helmet, ASU logo, and TC's personal logo are all shown multiple times).
Rating: 7/10

Washington Capitals, by Jamie R:
Next up we have a Washington Capitals concept from Jamie, which uses an unused Capitals logo.  I like these jerseys because they're new but they still feel like Capitals jerseys.  They have contrasting yokes somewhat like the Capitals original jerseys, but the yokes now run down the sleeves which sort of connects them to their current jerseys.  There's also the sleeve stars from the Capitals original jerseys, and then the Capitals current number font.  I think the unused logo looks good as well, it fits with the design of the jerseys.  There's one thing that looks a bit odd to me though and that's the single star on the pants, but maybe it would look better when the whole uniform is all together.
Rating: 8/10

Anaheim Ducks, by Ryan C:
Ryan's up next with a very unique Anaheim Ducks concept.  First of all I love the colour scheme, it makes perfect sense for the Ducks, no other team uses similar colours, and it just looks good as well.  I also really like the unique striping pattern, I don't think it's perfect, but overall I think it's good and it's nice when people try something different.  One thing I don't like about the striping pattern is the square angle where the sleeve stripes meet the piping, it would be great if that corner could be curved somehow.  Also the white triangle in the logo (on dark backgrounds) looks a bit weird to me, but maybe I'd get used to it.  There are a couple of execution errors, the four on the front view of the green jersey has the wrong outline colour (and probably the A as well), and the shape of the collars don't match between the front and back views.
Rating: 7/10

Guelph Storm, by Ryan C:
Our last concept of the day also comes from Ryan, and it's a new set of jerseys for the OHL's Guelph Storm.  As you can see this concept uses arm stripes combined with a sleeve-length yoke, which I'm not always a fan of but I think it works well in this case.  I also think the numbers look good, I like the font they use and the fact that they're a single colour.  The colour of those numbers, along with the colour of the logo, nicely balance out the colour of the stripes as well.  My only complaint is a very minor issue with the presentation, which is that Ryan's personal logo should use the same shade of black as the jersey does.
Rating: 8/10 and my COTW nomination!


That's all folks!
Friday: We Want You! Reviewed by Steven Grant on April 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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