
Monday: It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad League!

Hey Guys, here's to the last week of waiting before the most wonderful day of the year (to me anyways).

Heres a link to this weekend's update.

COTW is reset for the week, there are 3 concepts up this week and hopefully this will be a very competitive week in the voting ways. Voting ends Thursday.

The Winnipeg Jets third jersey contest is entering its voting phase, anyone can vote who entered, and votes are needed by Friday.


COTW Dec 10-16 vote (ends Thursday @ 11:59pm EST)

Winnipeg Jets 3rd Jersey Top 5 vote (ends Friday @ 11:59pm EST)

In NHL news...I can't even explain to you whats going on, its just a mess!

Let's jump right into today's concepts as that's why your here.


Team Finland Concepts (By: Bastian S.)

Bastian brings us his first of two IIHF concepts today, I'm not sure if these are because of the upcoming World Juniors but I like these. The double blue works really well, the sleeves sort of remind me of Detroit, in a good way. The striping is good and simple and I think its good that the SUOMI is kept on the bottom of the logo. The only thing I'd change is adding a more detailed striping to the pants (8.5/10)

Indiana Pacers Concept (By: Mike S.)

First off, same thing every one has said about the numbers and name, I'd use actual players' names or a tag of some work. The jersey itself is okay, it sort of reminds me of what the Pacers wear, but still is its own thing. I think a shoulder patch is desperately needed, as it gives some identity to it, as well as some T.V. numbers, what with this being a hockey jersey first. (6/10)

Washington Capitals Concept (By: E.Awad)

There's quite a bit to like on this concept, but it has one fatal flaw. The execution is good, The overall design is really good, especially the double yoke outline and the idea of another red jersey isn't such a bad idea. The fatal flaw is the logo, and some people may actually like it, which is fine, but the Weagle IS a shoulder patch, and only a shoulder patch, I really think a re-coloured White House logo and more stars would make this perfect, but still, its okay. (8/10)

Boston Bruins Concept (By: Snowmonster)

\This one from Snow Monster is...odd? I mean, it looks like it should either use ONLY black or ONLY brown. Its and okay concept and a neat idea but it needs some work on it. First off the Reebok logo should be the script instead of the vector. I feel there should be more yellow to make this different from their current jerseys. Maybe something along the lines of this (6/10)

Calgary Flames Concepts (By: Adam H.)

There are some interesting ideas here, and I really think the hat and horse should come back (or combine the two). That being said there's some stuff to fix here. First off, I'd only use just the red pants or just the black pants on the home and road. The Calgary C is a need idea for the captain's C, but that would make two C's and a little cluttered. The logos are also Ginormous and I fell the white jersey needs more yellow. The striping is good though and I feel with a little TLC, these concepts will be good (6.5/10)

Oklahoma City Stars Concepts (By: Alan H.)

Alan brings us another concept of booting the Barons from OKC and putting the Stars, actually...Texas Barons sounds awesome. The concept looks pretty good, the concept logo is done well and the striping is neat. The numbers are nice, sort of L.A. like and the yoke stripes are cool. If I were to make improvements, I'd add a little more green than black. (8.5/10)

Team Canada Concepts (By: Bastian S.)

WOW! I am surprised what a difference the gold makes. I love Canada's current jerseys, and like the black from the early 2000's, BUT, this is so good. Gold and Red go together so well, and it's fitting, sorry American readers, I'm Canadian  (But Red, White, Blue and Gold would look decent). I can't really think of any improvements, since it looks this good. (9/10) COTW Nom. From Me.
Monday: It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad League! Reviewed by winnipegjets96 on December 17, 2012 Rating: 5


Snow Monster said...

Man... I didn't think my concept was that bad. Not to sound ticked off, but what is with you and the RBK logo? I mentioned that I made the concept some time ago.

Ryan said...

Any comments given are only personal opinion. Any comments given are also meant to be constructive, not personal attacks. Find all that info on the ABOUT/CONTACT HJC page.

It's only his opinion that you should use the current Reebok logo. Take it or leave it.

Snow Monster said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking anyone, I was just wondering why the RBK logo is mentioned every time Jets96 grades the concepts. It seems like he knocks down concepts who don't have the new Reebok logo. Maybe it's just me. I don't expect my concepts to get a perfect 10, but when I mentioned when I sent in my concept that it was made some time ago I just thought that it would clarify why I didn't put the new RBK logo on the back.
I apologize if I misused the comment section.

DBro Alexander said...

Snow Monster, the reason some of us point that out is for accuracy in concepts. A few years ago Reebok made the change on most of their equipment, including jerseys, to ditch the vector in favor of the script.

I can't speak for others, but I won't take points off the rating for small errors like that for they don't really affect the concept itself. Though it's my own personal opinion that brown and black don't mix.

Also I second the COTW Nom for Bastian's Canada concept.

winnipegjets96 said...

@ Snow Monster: I'm not trying to be rude or anything, and I do think the concept has potential. It is one of the concept pet peeves of mine when people use the vector logo instead of the script, hell, I'm guilty of it, its just something people should watch out for.

Kevin W. said...

If we're talking about accuracy, hooray for so many people adopting my Nike sock template!

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