
Weekend Update (February 3)

The winner of HJC's 2012 Concept of the Year is Justin C. (obviously). However, you didn't know that Justin's Ottawa Senators concept won the award!

Literally, Justin will be receiving an award, which is on its way to him right now.

Full Results
Justin (OTT) - 8
Justin (WC) - 3

Thanks EVERYONE who participated and voted all year. We're already in the long process of determining our 2013 champ.


The winner of the Concept of the Week for January 21-27 is Dave of DC Visual Arts

Full Results
DC Visual - 7
Bastian - 1
Chris Z. - 1


Here's a rule change for COTW and COTY votes; you can now vote for yourself! That starts immediately with the January 28 - February 3 COTW vote. There are six nominated concepts so we need lots of votes. ANYONE can vote by emailing in their choice. Voting ends on Friday.


The winner of the AHL Outdoor Classic competition was Ryan (me)! Thanks to everyone who voted for my entry.

Full Results
*If your name didn't appear on the list then you did not receive any votes.


The next HJC competition is an idea that Stéphane came up with a while back. We are going to attempt to ReDesign the teams that people commonly refer to as "untouchable".

These are teams that should never change their jerseys because they are so classic. We will do the Original 6 one team at a time. We are starting with perhaps the most iconic look in the NHL, the Montreal Canadiens. Go to the UNTOUCHABLES tab or click the banner at the top of the page for all of the rules.


For this Super Bowl Sunday, Brian B. has made hockey sweaters for the two teams playing in today's game.
I just checked Wikipedia and apparently it will be an all-time high $4,000,000 for 30 seconds of U.S. commercial time on CBS this year!

Scott M. has created a couple of side profile view templates that people are welcome to use.
Get these now or they will be found on the TEMPLATES page in the future.

Frequent HJC contributor, Jesper, has just started up his own blog and would like to ask you guys to check it out and perhaps bookmark it. JW67design.blogspot.com

This isn't an official mark, but I tried to do a quick mock up of the blue V Millionaires' patch that the Canucks are wearing on their alternate sweaters.

The final note for today is fairly big news. Starting on February 16 HJC will feature SIX days of concept posts! Kevin W will be taking over Saturdays and will be providing regular concept posts just as you would get from Monday to Friday. That means HJC will be on a set schedule with regular concept posts Monday to Saturday and the Weekend Update will wrap everything up on the Sunday.
Weekend Update (February 3) Reviewed by Ryan on February 03, 2013 Rating: 5


Kevin W. said...

I'm looking forward to making my contribution to the site and I'm thankful to Ryan for giving me the opportunity. I won't let any of you down. :D

NB14 said...

Congrats Justin! Definitely well deserved.

Tyler Gross said...

Congrats Justin, but I think I liked the Winter Classic one better ): - Also, Congrats to Ryan on the comp win and to Kevin for being the new Saturday writer.

Tyler Gross said...

Also, I can't wait to see what people come up with for the new Untouchables comp for the Habs. Should be fun!

Justin said...

Concept of the Year... wow. Thank you everybody who voted for my concepts throughout the year and who got me here! And thanks Ryan for running the site. It can't be an easy task and we all appreciate it. I look forward to submitting more concepts and continuing to contribute, and participate here at HJC. Thanks everyone!

Unknown said...


Is it possible that you could send me that Blue white V logo but with clean edges. I know you said you quickly made it so its not perfect and off lines.

Would love to take this and put it on a hat or t-shirt. ?

Ryan said...

Um, no. Reproduction of that logo is copyright infringement. The Canucks would sue you if you did that.

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