
Monday: Back On the Concept Site No More Nagging Wife

Welcome to the post, I'm Sean back on the old beat because Corey has the flu. Probably got sick after Mark Schiefle's sick game against the Lightning last night to throw my Jets into first in the West!

Let's jump right into the concepts!

2019 All Star Redesign Competition vote (ends Friday @ noon EST)
COTW November 30-December 6 vote (ends Friday @ noon EST)
Jersey Nerds Podcast (new episode every Tuesday!)


Seattle Sockeyes NHL Expansion Concepts (By: Matt G.)

Starting with the logos, Matt does the right thing in giving an NHL team a unique colour scheme while also keeping true to Seattle's blue/green colour scheme. The primary logo itself is okay, I think it works more as a helmet logo due to how long it is, but it's a solid colour correct Sockeye Salmon logo without being stylized. Now the roundels look fantastic and the tertiary is fantastic. The colour scheme and typography are also solid, I love that shade of salmon and the teal is a nice addition to the NHL pallet

Here we see a couple of really solid jerseys for the home and road, and two decent alternates. The home and road, in spite of their colour balancing issues, look really nice and the wave/mountain stripes look especially nice. The teal alternate is probably my favourite jersey, the yoke is one of the few times I'll say that a yoke betters a jersey. The salmon ryes has the best logo use of the 4, but I think making the secondary colour on it teal over navy would look better 

8.75/10 COTW Nom from me!

Buffalo Sabres Concepts (By: Adam G.)

The home and road are like if the Blackhawks doubled the amount of stripes in their black alternate decades ago and added a white version. I don't have much to say on it because the striping is double something I've seen before as it's nearly identical to the Vancouver Canucks one from Friday which was done much better and fit the team more. The red alternate I love, with the mix between the Sabres crossed sword alternate and the slug, what more could a Sabres fan want? 


Monday: Back On the Concept Site No More Nagging Wife Reviewed by winnipegjets96 on December 17, 2018 Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

You had me laughing at the title and Schiefle's sick game on sunday.


Ryan said...

Second Matt for COTW

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