
Wednesday: Back on Track

It’s Wednesday, my dudes.

Back home from University and back to my normal day. 

Same voting reminders as Sunday, so be sure to flex those muscles of civic duty and let your voice be heard!


2019 All Star Redesign Competition vote (ends Friday @ noon EST)
COTW November 30-December 6 vote (ends Friday @ noon EST)
Jersey Nerds Podcast (new episode every Tuesday!)
On to the concepts!
Adam G.- Montreal Canadiens

 Another day, another look into Canada's Transit landscape courtesy of Adam G. The STM (Société de transport de Montréal) offers up a unique colour pallete that Adam takes full advantage of here by recolouring the logo and adopting the STM arrowhead logo upwards on the arms. Obviously, seeing this find real NHL action would be a travesty for the NHL's most storied franchise, but asa concept I really like it. Adam takes a non-traditional colour pallete and, for the most part, adopts it without fail for a team rooted in tradition. My only real complaint here is the use of green and yellow under the arms (I think something more like the overlapping structure of the arrowhead would fit better than splitting colours on the front and back). 

Overall Rating: 8.0/10
Certainly out of the box and that kind of creativity is what we like to see here at HJC!

Adam G.- Vancouver Canucks
From Montreal, we head west for a look at how BC handles transit. For a team that has already changed colour palletes several times in their history, the new scheme isn't as jarring as the Montreal look that began this post. Honestly, the recoloured logo looks so nice here that I wouldn't mind seeing the 'Nucks adopt a grey, blue, and gold scheme in either concept world or the real one. What I don't like about this concept, however, is the striping patterns. Instead of really going for it with a new look like in his previous concept, Adam adopts perhaps the most overused concept jersey element since it was readopted by Pittsburgh a few years ago: upper arm striping. Though I'll give credit for using the same pattern on both sets to create a different look on the home and road, the pattern being just one stripe away from a recolour of Pittsbugh is too much to overlook. If you're going to adopt the flying V on the pants, I say go one step further and take it all the way. Speaking of the pants, a dark cuff and light shell simply does not work (and to my knowledge has not once been adopted outside of concept land), go full dark and you've improved already.

Overall Rating: 7.0/10
Part of transit is being willing to take a journey. Unfortunately, in my eyes, Adam is still sitting at the station here.

That's all for today folks. 

As with Sunday, since I'm doing two posts this week, I'll leave the COTW Nomination up to you.

Like what you see? Hate what you see? Want to see something different?
Let us know in the comments and be sure to shoot your designs to concepts@hockeyjerseyconcepts.com to make your mark on our daily posts.

We'll see you all next week!
Wednesday: Back on Track Reviewed by JB Designs on December 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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