
HJC Rundown: May 18-24


The winner of the COTW for May 18-24 was Matt G!

Full Results


The new COTW nominees for the week of May 25-31 have been listed on the side of the page. Lucas' Atlanta MLS concept was the only concept nominated and seconded. So, he will win the COTW, but it's up to us the readers to vote which concept of his will win. Log into a Google account and place your vote on the side of the page. Voting closes on Friday at noon Eastern.



HJC writers will be getting their HJC jerseys soon. They have come out of production and they look solid. We may put these on sale for HJC readers in the future. They would be $55 CAD each and that would include shipping. We would need to get to 6 paid orders to actually send the jersey into production again.



The 2018 Pairs Competition has officially begun! Check out the PAIRS COMPETITION 2018 tab for all of the rules. Presentations are due June 22 at noon Eastern.


COTW May 25-31 vote (ends Friday @ noon ET)
Pairs Competition entries (due June 22 @ noon ET)
New episode - Jersey Nerds Podcast (every Monday)
HJC Rundown: May 18-24 Reviewed by Ryan on June 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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