Sunday: College Doubleheader

Howdy everybody, it is your (not) regular Sunday write (not) Steve here with another Sunday post for you all. As per usual at this time of year, there's really no news to report on and not much to talk about, so let's get right into the post.


This week as far as voting goes we have the perpetual COTW vote as always, and a bit bigger of a vote as well, the Second Quarter vote! Both votes can be found on the right side of the blog, or at the bottom on mobile. Also, for the concept creators here, don't forget to submit your concept for the HJC Open round robin, with the submission deadline being on THURSDAY. That means you have less than a week. Also, don't forget to drop your questions in the HJC Mailbag. The questions don't have to be limited to hockey, you can always ask us what our favorite song is, or if we think guacamole is jam, or something like that. Just give us the first question that comes to mind.

2nd Quarter Vote (ends Friday @ noon ET)
COTW July 6-12 vote (ends Friday @ noon ET)
HJC Open Round Robin entries (due Friday @ noon ET)
Jersey Nerds Podcast (new episode every Monday!)


I quite liked the rating format I used last time I wrote on June 27, so I'm just going to use it again. I'd like to think it's fairly self explanatory, so let's get into it!

Ben S. - Bowling Green State Falcons
Layout: A simple, traditional layout, but with a bit of a twist having the angles thrown in. I also like how the angle is "reversed" on the back, pointing upwards instead of just being a mirror of the front. Not sure I'm huge on the yoke stripes, though. Clutters things up a bit and I think it may not be needed on a design like this. 7/10
Striping Pattern: Solid, simple design. Looks like it could work for the Ducks if the colors were swapped, and that's not a knock on your design. 8/10
Color Choice/Balance: Color balance looks great. Would be nice to see the pants for the full picture, but assuming they're brown, everything is okay. 8/10
Logo Choice: The solo head logo may have looked a bit better, but this one works okay. 7/10
Font Choice: The back font isn't as tall as I normally like them, but in this case it works really well because of the striping overlap. Speaking of which, good work making sure the numbers don't blend in. 8/10
Originality/Creativity: Nothing unoriginal. Nothing groundbreaking. 7/10
Execution/Presentation: Aside from adding the pants as I mentioned earlier, nothing wrong with it. 9/10
Overall: 54/70 - 77%

Chris W. - Utica Pioneers

Layout: Another traditional look, with a bit of a modern twist to it by only using half of the arm striping pattern on the hem and keeping it thin. Same applies to the alt aside from "half of the arm stripes" 8/10
Striping Pattern: Simple design while being a unique look. Not huge on the thin gray stripes, though, especially on the road where it stands out more. Also the slight inconsistency between the arm and hems is a bit annoying, though fortunately not very noticeable. 8/10
Color Choice/Balance: Color balance looks just fine on all the jerseys. Again, the only negative is that I'm not huge on the gray, but it might not exactly be your choice if it's part of their color scheme, but at least it's kept to a minimum. 8/10
Logo Choice: In a similar vein to Ben's concept, I think the solo head logo would look better on both the home and road jerseys. The roundel is fine on the alternate, though. 7/10
Font Choice: The font pairing on the home and road works well together (the Canadiens font I believe?), and the stitching detail in there is a nice touch, though maybe not entirely fitting for a modern design. Meanwhile, I'm not huge on the Agency FB font when it's used on the Canucks jerseys, but it works a bit better on a modern design like the alternate. Still don't love it, though. 7/10
Originality/Creativity: Nothing unoriginal. Nothing extremely groundbreaking. 7/10
Execution/Presentation: No complaints here. 10/10
Overall: 55/70 - 79%


And that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed the post, thanks for reading, and I'll see you again [insert next time I write here].
Sunday: College Doubleheader Reviewed by Bpoe on July 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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